Child Culture;

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One should not attempt to lodge a sug- gestion when angry, or when a child is angry. The thing to be accomplished should be explained in such a way as to secure confidence and cooperation.
The child should be made to feel that it has the love and sympathy of the parent, and that the two are going to work together for a definite purpose with all assurance that they will suc- ceed.
Mental Suggestion 45 Aggressive Goodness The main use of mental suggestion is not in the treatment of mental de- fec
...ts and moral obliquities, but in awakening, training and developing those elements of mind and character that make for strength, efficiency, self- respect, honesty, charity and positive goodness. By putting the ideals of these into suggestions and lodging them in the subjective mind of a young child, they become controlling factors.
As an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, so a few strong, positive suggestions of purity, honesty, temperance and loyalty lodged early in a child's nature are far better than much corrective treatment.

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