China And Its Future : in the Light of the Antecedents of the Empire, Its People, And Their Institutions ..

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The only troops directly under his control* are the Manchus, who are not only limited in nuinber, but scattered throiighout the vast territory, with no power of concentration or united action. All the Chinese troops are under the control of the Civil Governor of each province, and are more like a militia or an armed police force for the preservation of peace, than a regular army. This is a more effective check on despotic power than even the English control of the ' sinews of war ' by keeping h...old of the purse-strings in the House of Commons.
There is one thing which shows that the government of China is largely dependent on the good-will of the people : that is, the regular circu- lation of what is generally called the Pekin Gazette — the oldest newspaper in the world, if we may call it by so modern a name. . It is issued by the Government, and contains an account of all the proceedings of the Emperor and his Cabinet and Council, and of the six Boards established for the different departments of the State, It is sent to all parts of the empire for the information of the officials, and is published for the use of all, and often republished in different places for free circulation or sale.

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