Chocolate Reality (2011)

Cover Chocolate Reality
Chocolate Reality
Steena Holmes
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Not the lingerie wrapped with vanilla scented beads or even that gorgeous white satin wedding gown hanging in my closet. Not the groom who ran away. Not the meaningful cards full of well wishes and deepest sympathies that accompanied the boxes of chocolates arriving on my doorstep. No - I take that back. I love those people.It’s the groom who hightailed it out of the rectory windows in his black tuxedo and chocolate colored satin cummerbund that I’d like to forget. It was a beautiful color by th...e way. Imagine the color of milk chocolate as it melts on your fingertip, you know – that delectable aroma that tantalizes you until the only thing you can do it lick that tiny smear off your finger? THAT color. My bridesmaids looked beautiful, the cake – stunning. A three-tiered, white iced, triple-brownie cake wrapped in a simple chocolate colored ribbon. Elegant, simple and stunning. Love is overrated. But as I lay on my uber-soft couch bawling my eyes out while watching the unforgettable scene between Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in the LakeHouse I know I would take it all back if I could.

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