Choosing Employees By Mental And Physical Tests

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Habits are an acknowledged influence on work. Rec- ord of habits can be secured from the employment blank, by medical examination, and by observation.
There is a growing sentiment in favor of employing the total abstainer in dangerous occupations; and given equal ability otherwise, the temperate man is always sought for in any occupation. Smoking is not a vice outside of office hours, nor during work in certain oc- cupations. It is even a help at times in salesmanship, bringing a fellowship tha
...t puts a customer in a favor- able attitude. Drugs and gambling unfit any man for 108 CHOOSING EMPLOYEES the handling of money, and are detrimental according to a man's responsibility on his job.
It will be seen from a glance at these various factors of environment that an intelligent knowledge of the man will enable us to place him to greater advantage.
They are not calculable factors like most of our work, but simply matters of record by which we may arrive at surer judgment.
Chapter IX LIFE-CONTACT KNOWLEDGE Observed and General Information; Bxisiness Expe- rience ; Language ; Terminology Application to executives, clerks, stenographers, editors, ma- chinists, weavers, type-setters, and general workers.

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Choosing Employees By Mental And Physical Tests
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