Chosen By the Sheikh (2010)

Cover Chosen By the Sheikh
The book Chosen By the Sheikh was written by author Here you can read free online of Chosen By the Sheikh book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Chosen By the Sheikh a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Chosen By the Sheikh book?
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A muscle clenched in his lean cheek and she saw something flicker in the back of his obsidian eyes.
Hoping it indicated a softening of his attitude, she added, ‘I need to come. I need to be there.’ For a moment she thought he was going to dismiss her request out of hand, and then, with a slight shrug of his shoulders, he inclined his dark head. She followed him, and to her utter relief Tariq didn’t object.
He strode down the corridor, leading the way through a door hidden by a heavy curtain. Beh
...ind it was a spiral stair case that led directly onto one of the inner court yards.
As they stepped out of the big double doors two body guards fell wordlessly into step behind them. Beatrice’s thoughts were too occupied else where to consider the strangeness of spending your life constantly being shadowed by men who were willing to give their own life for you. A brief sideways glance at Tariq’s profile suggested he was similarly preoccupied.
The helicopter was waiting for them, and the moment they were on board it took off.

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Chosen By the Sheikh
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