Christ Among the Cattle, a Sermon

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Christ Among the Cattle, a Sermon
Marvin, Frederic Rowland, 1847-1918
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high standing as physiologists. We have seen that it is so in Magendie's case." man. For the prince commands them to give us a man, whom we kill in our own fashion, and anatomize. To whom we gave two drachms of opium, and an attack of ague coming on (for he suffered from quartan) prevented its action. He, delighted, requested a second dose, and that we should intercede for his par- don if he survived it. We gave him another two drachms, when he had no attack, and he died." — Medical Record^ Jun...e 14, jgo2.
The recognition of the rights of men has now made human vivisection criminal, and the scientific inquisition of the present time counts animals alone as its victims. And here the Act of 1876 has fortunately, though not sufficiently, restricted the powers of the vivisector in Great Britain.— ^»iVw«if' Hights, by II, S, Salt.p, 75.
34 CHRIST AMONG THE CATTLE If Dr. EUiotson's statement is worthy of credence, and we have every reason to believe it is, Professor Huxley's name being attached to the report as one of many endorsers, the science of physiology has good cause for shame, and deserves the opposition it has of late encountered.

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