Christianopolis; An Ideal State of Teh Seventeenth Century

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78. 6 Jeremiah xxxi, 8 ff.
82 Christianopolis pitably taken up and taught the principles by which the inhabitants of Nova Solyma govern their lives. The visi- tors make many mistakes and at such times are kindly cor- rected by their host. In the course of their stay they visit the schools and are given information as to the system of education — elementary and advanced — by which the youth is trained. They also attend festivities and celebrations, witness death-bed scenes and funerals, and beco ac- quainted with a representative number of persons in the city. A love affair, whose beginning dates from the first day they spend in Nova Solyma, continues throughout the story, and culminates in the marriage of the two young men to the daughters of their friend and host — the chief ruler.
This is in very brief the romance — occupying in time ex- actly one year, the annual pageant following immediately upon the general election being used to introduce as well as to conclude the story.

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Christianopolis; An Ideal State of Teh Seventeenth Century
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