Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolome De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 1

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Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolome De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 1
Thacher, John Boyd, 1847-1909
The book Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolome De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 1 was written by author Here you can read free online of Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolome De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 1 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolome De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 1 a good or bad book?
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To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

." Susanna Fontanarossa, at Genoa, May 25, 147 1, consents to the sale of property: to Paolo de Moconesi . an inhabitant of the village of Quarto, and Domenico Colombo simply signs as a witness, together with Berthono de Muzante, both being citizens of Genoa, 252 Christopher Columbus « '' Suzana, filia quondam Jacobi de Fontanarubea, & uxor Dominici de Columbo textoris panftorum lane, prefentis & auctorizantis omnibus & fin- gulis infrafcriptis fciens & certani notitiam habens de quadam per ipfum Dominicum facta Juliano de Caprili & Stampino de Caprili de certis terns & poffeffionibus, . . .
"Actum Janue in fala fuperiori palacii comunis Janue videlicet ad bancum refidentie mei notarii infrascripti Anno Dominice nativitatis niille- fimo quadringentefimo feptuagefimo prima indicione tertia fectmdum cur- fum Janue die fabati vigefimo quinto maij poft tercias prefentibus teftibus Johanne de Benedicto Antonii & Antonio Garello, Jacobi, civibus Janue ad hec vocatis & rogatis." Christopher Columbus of Genoa serves as a witness in an act dated at Savona, March 20, 1472.

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