Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolomé De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 3

Cover Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolomé De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 3
Christopher Columbus: His Life, His Work, His Remains As Revealed By Original Printed And Manuscript Records, Together With An Essay On Peter Martyr of Anghera And Bartolomé De Las Casas, the First Historians of America 3
Thacher, John Boyd, 1847-1909
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A .S.
X M Y Xpo Ferens." The Handwriting of Columbus 401 NO. XXXVIIII. LETTER SIGNED BY CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS TO DON DIEGO, HIS SON This is the latest of the Admirars letters in point of date.
He is still in Seville, and while his permission to make use of a mule is not yet received, his health precludes his departing in any event. It was only on the 25th of this same month of Feb- maxy that the King issued his authority to employ this coveted, but generally forbidden, vehicle of travel. Las Cas tells us that it was not until May that the Admiral set out from Seville to go northward in search of the Court. He is at Segovia late in the summer and makes a will on August 25, 1505. From Segovia the Court moved to Salamanca in the latter part of Octo- ber, 1505. The thoughts of the King are fastened on a maid in France, Germaine de Foix, soon to become his wife. It is no time to treat with Columbus. The Court is at Valladolid by February 10, 1506, as we learn from Peter Martyr. Here the Admiral followed and here he died a few months later.

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