Classic And Italian Painting

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Bellini, who was bom about 1427 and died in 1507, though inferior to Giovanni, takes a high place among the great artists of his time. He spent some years at the court of Constantinople, having bee'n sent there by the Venetian government at the request of Sultan Mahomet II. It is said that he was at last frightened away by that monarch's manner of showing his enthusiasm for realistic art ; for in the course of some criticisms on a picture of the death of John the Baptist, the Sultan had a slave... decapitated in the artist's pre- sence, to show him how to represent a freshly-severed head.
One of Gentile's finest works is Saint Mark preaching at Alexandria, in the Brera at Milan ; another is the equally celebrated Miracle of the Cross, in the Academy of Venice.
Vittore Caepaccio is, among contemporary artists, second only to Bellini. Little is known of his life. He was born about 1450, and appears to have studied under Luigi Vivarini, but was much influenced by Gentile, and I 2 116 ITALIAN PAINTING.

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