Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1907-1911 2

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Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1907-1911 2
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
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Author (1860-1901) was an English socialist, who spent the last years of her life in the United States.
Digitized by Google ENGLISH ESSAYS 1605 Brimley, George. 824 B75 Essays, with an introduction by R. H. Stoddard. [1868.] Rudd.
Contents: Tcnnyson'a poems. — ^Wordsworth's poems. — ^Poetry and criticism. — The angel in the house.— Carlyle's "Life of Sterling."— "Esmond."— "My novel."— "Bleak house."— "Westward hoi"— Wabon's "Noctes ambrosianK." — Comte's "Positive philoso- phy." Bronson, Walte
...r Cochrane, ed. 824 B76 English essays; selected and ed. by W. C. Bronson. 1906. Holt.
Contents: Frands Bacon: Of truth; Of innovations; Of nature in man; Of youth and age; Of negotiating; Of studies. — John Milton: Freedom of the press. — Sir Thomas Browne: Vanity of earthly monuments. — ^John Dryden: Preface to the Fables.
—Jonathan Swift: The battle of the books. — Sir Richard Steele: The club at "The trumpet." — ^Joseph Addison: A very pretty poet; True and false humor; The vision of Mirzah; Direction of a coquet's heart.

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Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1907-1911 2
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