Cold Fear

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The fury in Izzy morphed into something that tasted bitter in her mouth. This man had enough crap to deal with. Helena had been murdered, and his son had almost been beaten to death. This incident was both frustrating and mortifying and underlined how bad she was at being a guardian.“Come on back. I’ll take you to her.” He held the top of the counter high enough for her to pass through ahead of him.“Jesse’s okay?” she asked quietly.“The bodyguards arrived a couple of hours ago. Charlene and Rick...y are with Jesse right now anyway.” He shot her a look. “I came in to handle this personally. Because I owe you.”“You don’t owe me anything.” Izzy wanted to curl up with embarrassment but straightened her spine. “But I do appreciate it. Can you tell me what happened?”“Group of girls sitting in the diner started taunting Kit over some photograph.”“Have you seen it?” she asked.He pressed his lips together. Nodded.“Someone texted it to me.” Izzy could hardly breathe.

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