Cold Hearted (Cold Justice book 6)

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The book Cold Hearted (Cold Justice book 6) was written by author Here you can read free online of Cold Hearted (Cold Justice book 6) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Cold Hearted (Cold Justice book 6) a good or bad book?
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This was her disguise for blending in and being as inconspicuous as possible. A pale gray beanie covered her long blonde hair, and dark shades covered her eyes. She hit the second floor of the hospital and walked as swiftly as she could along the corridor. There was no way she could leave without checking in on Rachel, despite the girl’s mother’s actions earlier.
Up ahead she saw a doctor and two nurses hurry into Rachel’s room. Erin’s mouth went dry. Had she coded? Was she in trouble? She hurri
...ed to the doorway and caught Reilly by the shoulder just as he was about to follow everyone inside.
“Is she all right?” Erin demanded.
He removed her hand gently but firmly and gave her a friendly squeeze to show it was nothing personal.
“She woke up. A bit panicked from the tube so the medical team has come in to remove it. I need to get in there.”
She gave a skeptical quirk of her brow. “You worried one of them is going to hurt her?”
“No.” He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

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Cold Hearted (Cold Justice book 6)
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