Cold Light of Day (2014)

Cover Cold Light of Day
The book Cold Light of Day was written by author Here you can read free online of Cold Light of Day book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Cold Light of Day a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Cold Light of Day book?
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The sound of the shower coming on and the idea of Scarlett being naked in the next room made Matt burn. The idea of making love to her had tempted him since the moment they met. The fact they’d only known each other a ridiculously short amount of time seemed irrelevant. Life and death stakes had circumvented the usual dating game rules. Maybe it had ramped up the attraction, but he was feeling pretty damn invested now.
Yeah, he had a job to do, but it was impossible when all he could think about
... was the woman wet and naked in the next room.
Maybe he was the one who needed a quick catnap—except sleep wasn’t what he was craving if he got horizontal in the next ten minutes.
Life was short. Nothing was guaranteed.
He thought about his mother, lying comatose in a hospital bed. She always told him to go for what he wanted. People died. He’d lost some of his best friends to war. Jed Brennan had been shot and had almost died just a couple of weeks ago.
Jed had crossed the line with Vivi Vincent and was still a damn good FBI agent.

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