Collide: a Riverbend Novel

Cover Collide: a Riverbend Novel
The book Collide: a Riverbend Novel was written by author Here you can read free online of Collide: a Riverbend Novel book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Collide: a Riverbend Novel a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Collide: a Riverbend Novel book?
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All I could think about was her. I tossed and turned in my bed until I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to see her. Even if all we did was say hello, that would be enough for me. Being near her is more addicting than any drug I've tried. I got out of bed and gabbed a hoodie off the floor. I walked down the hall until I stood at her door. I turned the knob quietly and eased the door open.
  I walked in and closed the door quietly behind me. I noticed her sleeping and smiled. She was beautiful and
... the one who consumed my mind every waking and sleeping moment. I was used to having control of my life but that all changed when she walked into it. More like crashed into it. I looked around her room and found her drawing book. I opened it and scanned the pages. I saw more pictures of me but I also saw some of Garrett. My hope was shattered right then and there. I thought maybe, just maybe it was me she was interested in, but that was a stupid assumption. She just liked to draw. Plain and simple.

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Collide: a Riverbend Novel
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