Colters' Gift

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The book Colters' Gift was written by author Here you can read free online of Colters' Gift book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Colters' Gift a good or bad book?
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The one bedroom was tiny, and Lauren had a daybed instead of a regular bed. There was barely room for the small chest of drawers she’d crammed into the room so she’d have a place for her clothing.
    The men certainly weren’t going to fit on the love seat, so after much discussion, Liam went down the street to buy sleeping bags at the sporting goods store.
    It was decided that one of them would sleep in the living room, and since there wasn’t room for two sleeping bags unless they moved furn
...iture out, the other would roll out his sleeping bag on the floor directly below where Lauren slept on the daybed.
    She felt guilty until she remembered that she hadn’t asked for this, and yes, they were helping her. They were protecting her. She was extremely grateful. But there was no definite timeline on how long they would need to shadow her every movement. If she knew it was only for a few days or even a week or so, she would be willing to move to a hotel or consider other accommodations, but it could be much longer.

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Colters' Gift
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User Reviews:

Guest 3 years ago

Great read. Book has wonderful mystery element. Wanted to read it again from the beginning but slower.

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