Come Back to Me

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The last time she’d crossed that bridge, she and Beau had cheered. The memory of their anticipation of the spur-of-the-moment getaway brought a smile to her lips. She touched her belly, “Oh, Beau,” she sighed.
She pulled onto the main drag, telltale signs of the beach town lined the road. Brightly-colored surf shops and the boardwalk eased the tension in Tess’s shoulders. Her previous worries momentarily set aside. Even in the cold of almost-winter, people walked along the streets. The attire wa
...s different, sweatshirts instead of bathing suits, but the aura of a carefree existence remained. She reached for her cell phone to call Alice and let her know she’d arrived, then remembered she was on a communication-free vacation, the cell phone nicely hidden in the trunk of the car. She smiled. Cool, she thought, and her hand drifted back to the steering wheel. She inhaled the calming sea air and blew it out slowly. “I can do this,” she said. “This is good.”
  Tess felt like a kid playing hooky in her hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants which were about all that fit her anymore.

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