Come Sundown (2012)

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The book Come Sundown was written by author Here you can read free online of Come Sundown book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Come Sundown a good or bad book?
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There were three women, two children, an adopted Mexican captive, and me. After riding almost all day, we stopped to tend wounds. Hidden Water’s was the worst. We packed the wound with grass and bound it with deerhide cut from the end of my loinskin. We had no lodge poles with which to make a travois, so Hidden Water had to ride behind me and suffer the jolting trot of the ranch horse I had captured. We journeyed on in mourning and misery. We took five days covering the ground that I had ridden three on the bald-face pony.
When we reached Peta’s new camp, Hidden Water’s leg was swollen to twice its normal size. Her husband, Bear Tooth, was summoned and came to carry her away to a medicine man. He did not thank me for rescuing her.
Our arrival threw the big camp-together into turmoil. Peta came, and I had to tell him that his wife, Nadua, had been captured. “They saw her eyes, and did not kill her. She is yet alive.”
“And my daughter?” Peta asked.
“Nadua carried her at the time.

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