Commission Regulation of Public Utilities; a Compilation And Analysis of Laws of Forty-Three States And of the Federal Government for the Regulation By Central Commissions of Railroads And Other Public Utilities

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The book Commission Regulation of Public Utilities; a Compilation And Analysis of Laws of Forty-Three States And of the Federal Government for the Regulation By Central Commissions of Railroads And Other Public Utilities was written by author Here you can read free online of Commission Regulation of Public Utilities; a Compilation And Analysis of Laws of Forty-Three States And of the Federal Government for the Regulation By Central Commissions of Railroads And Other Public Utilities book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Commission Regulation of Public Utilities; a Compilation And Analysis of Laws of Forty-Three States And of the Federal Government for the Regulation By Central Commissions of Railroads And Other Public Utilities a good or bad book?
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900 such times and upon such terms, not less than the par value thereof to be actually paid in cash, as the directors shall deter- mine. They shall also so sell at public auction any shares which, 3390 under the preceding section remain unsubscribed for by the stockholders entitled to take them. Such shares shall be offered for sale in the city of Boston or in such other city or town as may be prescribed by the board of gas and electric light commissioners, and notice of the time and place of t
...he sale shall be published at least five times, during the ten days immediately preceding the sale, in each of at least three of such daily newspapers as may be prescribed by the said commissioners. No shares shall be sold or issued imder this or the preceding section for a less amount to be actually paid in cash than the par value thereof. Same, sec. 2.
NEW HAMPSHIRE Whenever a railroad corporation or public utility shall increase its capital stock it shall, except as herein- after provided, offer the new shares proportionately to its stock- holders at such price not less than the par value thereof as shall have been determined by its stockholders in their vote for the issue of the same.

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