Compass Rose (2010)

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The book Compass Rose was written by author Here you can read free online of Compass Rose book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Compass Rose a good or bad book?
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Mary blamed herself since she’d been the one to call him to say that Miss Perry was dead, and she’d gone on to say that Elsie could use some help. Jack installed a secretary at Miss Perry’s house to answer the phone, he called the local newspapers and the Providence Journal, he called the Episcopal priest. All that was okay. But he called again to say he’d decided to have the reception at Sawtooth. Mary said, “That’s generous of you.” Jack cleared his throat in a way that Mary thought meant he’d... bill the estate. He changed the subject. He said, “I’ve got an idea for the music. A couple of hymns that we’ll all sing; I’ve been looking through the hymnal. But then I also thought we should have a little Latin for Miss Perry. And it would make the RCs feel at home. There’s Mr. Salviatti and all those Teixeiras and the Tran girls. They’re not Buddhists, are they? The Agnus Dei from the Verdi Requiem. It’s a duet for soprano and mezzo-soprano. Didn’t Rose sing at the Teixeira girl’s wedding?”

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