Conquistador (2010)

Cover Conquistador
S.M. Stirling
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What reading level is Conquistador book?
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Tom said, looking up at the one he had pinned to the corkboard, as the people summoned to the meeting trickled casually in.
At least I’m not too tired to think, he mused. After four days of the harvest his body was adjusting nicely; he had plenty of energy for the after-dinner planning session. I think I’m even losing a little weight—and I didn’t think I had any surplus.
“Feeling better?” Adrienne asked, bending to thump the ribs of one of the big dogs that hung around her. The white-bibbed cat
...looked down disapprovingly from the top of a big globe mounted in a wheeled frame of oak and polished brass.
“Somewhat,” Tom replied.
In fact he was feeling excellent, better than he’d felt since his last long hiking trip, up in Glacier National Park. The aches had gone; he was in fundamentally good condition, after all. He also felt loose-limbed and strong and quick, as if a spring in muscle and bone that had been fading for the last few years without his being quite conscious of it had come back sometime in the past week.

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