Construction Beauty Queen

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The book Construction Beauty Queen was written by author Here you can read free online of Construction Beauty Queen book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Construction Beauty Queen a good or bad book?
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Veronica kept her eyes closed, wishing she could shrivel and fade away. So she needed to remember to eat in the morning. So she wasn’t cut out for construction. She had her wits. She had an MBA, for goodness sake! She could make it in the world.
    The truck stopped moving, and Veronica looked out the windshield. They were stopped in front of another house, this one nearly as small as her trailer but much better maintained, the grass perhaps a day or two overdue for a mowing. “What are we doing
... here?”
    “Getting breakfast. Can you walk?”
    “Yes, I’m fine.” Her cheeks heated. Matt had cradled her in his arms as he’d carried her to the vehicle. If he’d given her a minute, she could have walked. But instead, he’d proven his theory of how helpless she was and given her a taste of how good it felt to be helpless in his big, strong arms.
    She was pathetic, finally claiming her pride and independence only to toss it aside less than twenty-four hours later, the second she stumbled upon a cute guy.

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