Conversation in German On a Grammatical Basis

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Conversation in German On a Grammatical Basis
Huss, Hermann Carl Otto, B. 1847
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What reading level is Conversation in German On a Grammatical Basis book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

If it does not rain, the race will take place to-morrow.
We wonder that the criminal has been pardoned.
"I am glad that you come to me so confidentially," said the parson.
I am sorry not to haye heard the lecture on the phonograph.
The patient complains of feeling very feverish.
I could not come to tlie meeting yesterday; I was not welL Our servant is not wanting in good will, but in experience.
We lived in the hotel until we succeeded in finding a good private lodging.
Polycrates feared the en
...vy of the Gods because he was successful in all his enter* prises.
^ii bctt aScreinigten ©taaten gielit t» leinen SlbeL There h no aristocracy in the United Statea Digitized by Google MATERIAL FOR CONVERSATIOIT.
SSor ben Mtm bc^ 8ucuKu« Sdi e8 no$ Icine S)irfc^ in iuropa. — S)ic Sirfd)e.
g^.qiebt bicfc^ QaljV f c^r tt)c^ titg Spfd bci un^, toft^rcnb eS t)origc^ ^al)r fcl)r l)ic{c gegefeen ©ic SBtnjcr tjerfic^cni/ bag c§ kucr Dielc 2:rauben gcBcti toJtb. — !J)lc Sraubc^ 1- 61 ip Ictnc Zink me^r in bcr jjlafdic.

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Conversation in German On a Grammatical Basis
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