Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1925

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Hale, police at election, $11 50 Guy G. Mason, ballot clerk.
8 00 J. Fred Thoms, services as - supervisor.
136 00 W. E. Davidson, ballot clerk, 4 00 B. G. Snyder, printing check list, 75 00 W. R. Garter, ballot clerk, 12 00 H. S. Mason, ballot clerk.
8 00 L. G. Hill, services as super- visor, 116 00 H. B. Fifield, ballot clerk.
8 00 $378 50 tJ\j MUNIGIPAL GOURT Dr.
Received, H. B. Fifield, special justice.
$138 59 Paid H. B. Fifield, services as spe- cial justice, $138 59 $138 59 $138 59 36
... TOWN HALL AND OFFICE EXPENSE Paid Edson C. Eastman, office supplies, $19 37 Lorin, Short & Harmon, supplies, 85 B. C. Snyder, printing reports, 304 50 J. E. Bachelder ,work and janitor at town hall, 15 00 Percy F. Garland, office supplies, 19 02 Albert Towle, wood for town hall, 13 00 R. E. Lane, office supplies, 3 81 F. W. Dinsmore, office supplies, 75 B. C. Snyder, printing for office, 41 25 Hattie Philbrook, cleaning town office. 5 00 Dana Bemis, kindling for town office, 2 50 Conway Electric Light & Power Co., 22 10 John H.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1925
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