Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1926

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5, R. R. and S. B. tax, 1,745 82 Dec. 5, Nat. Forest Dist., 23 Jan 15, Trunk line main- tenance, 417 85 Jan. 29, Tax, interest and dividends, 1,446 26 $4,441 87 Received from Carroll County: Mar. 7, General pauper bill, 438 34 Received from Conway Municipal Court: Jan. 29, Fines, 82 00 Received from North Conway Loan & Banking Co. : Jan. 29, Interest, daily balances, 26 14 Total, $136,033 60 NEIL C. CATES, Treasurer.
Conway, N. H., Feb., 1926.
We hereby certify that we have examined the ac- cou
...nts of Neil C. Cates, Treasurer of the Town of Conway, for the fiscal year ending January 31, 1926, and find them correct. Proper vouchers are on file for all amounts paid out and the amount of cash on hand, $7,840.65, is on deposit to the credit of the Town, in the North Conway Loan & Banking Company.
REPORT OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Year Ending January 31, 1926 RECEIPTS > Received from: Town Treasurer, $500 00 Town Treasurer, 150 00 Town Treasurer, 150 00 Town Treasurer, 300 00 Town Treasurer, 300 00 Town Treasurer, 260 00 Frank E.

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