Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1936

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Smith, truck, James E. Smith, truck, E. H. Cloutman, blacksmith bill, Total, $4,053 25 1034 EMERGENCY RELIEF UNEMPLOYMENT HIGHWAY ACCOUNT Balance left from 1934 appropriation, $94 50 Expended by P. W. Mudgett, agent, $94 50 Detail payments: P. W. Mudgett, foreman. $13 50 P. W. Mudgett, truck, 27 00 Leslie C. Hill, truck. 27 00 Ernest Peare, labor, 9 00 Fred Pickering, labor, 9 00 Thomas Sawyer, labor, 3 00 John McDonald, labor, 6 00 $94 50 MILL STREET SPECIAL Appropriation, $800 00 Paid, $ 959 ...87 Overexpended, 159 87 $959 87 $959 87 Town of Conway 33 Detail pay merits: Perley W. Mudgett, agent, $42 00 Perley W. Mudgett, truck, 72 33 Leslie C. Hill, truck, 56 50 Porter Davidson, truck, 54 00 Kenneth Meader, truck, 58 50 Leslie Lowell, labor, 35 50 David Robertson, labor, 9 00 Lawrence Miller, labor, 23 50 Sidney Garland, labor, 4 00 Roy Garland, labor, 10 84 Ronald Watson, labor, 10 84 Donald Sanborn, labor, 16 00 Harris Twombly, labor, 10 84 Merlin Butterfield, labor, 10 84 Burnham Eaton, labor, 10 84 Ira Snow, labor, 13 00 Edward Davidson, labor, 10 84 Leon Warren, labor, 7 84 Harold Robinson, labor, 10 84 Avon Littlefield, labor, 10 84 Everett A.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1936
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