Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1937

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Knox, supplies 1 65 Gilbert Budroe, gravel 11 55 Kennett Co., coal 16 61 Paul Bosse, oil 1 50 C. H. Craig, supplies 1 35 Otis M. Quint, supplies 22 00 Highway Garage, culvert pipe 582 40 Koppers Products 594 95 ),101 83 TOWN ROAD AID State Town Total Appropriation $3,229 80 $ 807 45 $4,037 25 Paid by State 2,811 42 Total paid by State and Town 2,811 42 Balance unexpended for T. R. A.
$1,225 83 Town of Conway 37 On account of flood damage State allowed Town's appropriation to be spent in direct
...flood damage 807 45 Balance Unexpended bj^, State 418 38 Detail Payments — Division No.
1 ^ Melville Eastman, foi'eman $107 25^ Melville Eastman, truck $195 50 .
Melville Eastman, blacksmith bills 7 50 John Smith, truck 27 00 John Smith, gravel 61 05 Edward E. Lowd, tmck 60 50 George H. Brooks, truck 49 50 Fred Haley, labor 69 67 Philip Wiggin, labor 12 00 Leon Eastman, labor 9 00 Horace Northrup, labor 26 17 Earl E. Merrill, labor 27 67 Walter Hamilton, labor 17 17 Vernon E. Smith, labor 4 50 Rodney L.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1937
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