Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1939

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Webster, milk 22 11 Willc}' Farm, milk 110 28 James O. Flint, food 85 00 Irene Boothby, rent 16 00 A. I. Hodgdon, care 430 38 Koplow Trim. Co., supplies 70 97 Dr. Wiggin, care 141 20 Roberts Market, food 227 00 Dr. Mazzoli, care 88 50 Drs. Shedd, care 86 00 Central Garage, trans.
7 00' J. W. Robertson, rent 20 50 J. P. Carter, glasses 17 50 A. H. Furber, rent 41 75 A. L. Potter, fert.
6 60 J. Prescott, board 212 76 C. Robinson Co., paper 6 17 Dr. Smith, care 36 60 D. Smith, board 26 33 F. Rolan
...d Bean, food 43 00 H. M. Curran, rent 12 50 Osteop. Hospital, care 158 66 O. B. Merrill, rent 20 00 56 Annual Report Harry Thompson, rent Littlefield Garage, rent K. McGee, rent Margf. Weeden. care C. R. Head, transportation Dr. Remick, clo.
A. M. Miller, fuel Dr. Winslow, care Dr. Bray, care Coos County Hospital, care I. Baker, repr. S. Mach.
Fryeburg Dairy, milk Newell Smith, food Webster Store, clothing Ed. Warren, fuel A. Zimmerman, rent R. Wentworth, care Diamond Match Co., fuel A. A. Greene, rent L.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1939
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