Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1943

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Davidson, telephone, stationery, labor and repairs S 51 01 William H. Farrington, telephone and stationery 4 85 John N. Leighton, telephone and stationery 15 65 Kenneth Hutchinson, electrical sup- plies and labor M. G. Dennett, supplies Norman Brackett, labor Public Sei"vice Co., lights and sup- plies Randall's Business Service, supplies Lloyd Garland, Postmaster, postage and envelopes 4 86 Reporter Press, town report and sup- plies Guy Mason, janitor service Conway Print Shop, supplies Ben Fra...nklin Stores, supplies Kathrvn S. Carter, reporting trans- fers of property Preston B. Smart, real estate reports Wheeler & Clark, supplies Frank B. Nay, real estate reports New England Telephone & Tele- graph Co., telephone 97 21 Remington Rand, Inc., repairs and supplies 14 23 Brown & Saltmarsh, supplies 4 00 H. F. Carr, repairs on typewriter 14 25 Verna Wade, labor 80 R. L. Grindle, postage and supplies 80 00 Shell Oil Co., supplies 1 60 Gertrude Snow, labor 2 40 687 51 7 50 3 50 2 50 46 58 2 70 31 57 10 42 Annual Report Ruth Burnell, labor 3 40 New Hampshire Fire Ins.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1943
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