Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1944

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1, 1945 3708 CIRCULATION Fiction 1629 Juvenile 622 Magazines 542 Miscellaneous 360 Total circulation 3153 GERTRUDE A.
SNOW Librarian AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we have examined the accounts of the Library Trustees of the Town of Conway for the period of February 1 — December 31, 1944, inclusive, and find them correct with vouchers on file for all expenditures.
A. G. LORD R. N. DAVIS Auditors.
February 22, 1945 66 Annual Report REPORT OF FIRE WARDEN Help the War Effort by Preve
...nting Forest Fires NO ONE is exempt from helping to win the war! EVERY- ONE, regardless of age, has his or her place in the overall effort!
Some men, because of age, are called upon to bear arms; man ships, submarines and planes; minister to the injured and maintain morale. Women, in large numbers, are sei-ving with the armed forces as nurses and members of the several women's military organizations - WACS, WAVES, SPARS, etc. War industry has taken millions of men and women whose accomp- lishments have been the marvel of the world.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1944
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