Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1947

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The book Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1947 was written by author Here you can read free online of Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1947 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1947 a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1947 book?
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The junior-senior group studied vegetable and fruit grow- ing. .\hiny class instruction trips were taken, the most instruc- tional one being to Smith Allard's potato farm. Here, the students could see the mechanical operation of digging, picking, and bagging potatoes. Shop work to date has involved wood- working, automobile mechanics, and forge work.
One of the features of the Home Economics Department is the home projects. Each freshman must complete three home projects on some phase of home e
...conomics or something related to it totalling approximately 90 hours. These projects must be 81 aprpoved by the parent before they are accepted bv the teacher. The other three classes must complete four projects totalling between 120-135 hours of work and should be of superior quality because of their years. It is aimed to have every project useful and worthwhile, not just a "project." Health and Physical Education One of the major aims of any modern educational program is an up-to-date physical training program that encompasses all the members of the student body.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1947
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