Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1951

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187 85 •Redeemed after December 31 'McGraw, Royal C.
70 37 McLellan, Milford 79 33 1950 Allard, Robert McLynch, Francis •Mill Hill Shops, Inc.
96 11 60 66 $ 16 58 2 91 Morrill, Elmer E.
Nicholsen, Edvdn C.
46 14 55 64 Emery, Charles Heirs Gile, Harriet 32 74 152 38 Noel, Harry Oakes, Edgar 616 63 207 25 Hamilton, Bertha M.
Hanson, Lewis R.
73 23 102 54 Page, Irving C.
16 57 Hooghkirk, Robert 44 Parks, Virginia 207 25 Ingraham, James Perry, Frank R.
52 88 & Margaret 85 32 Pond, Beatrice 36 60 Lo
...cke, Charles A.
108 30 39 Martin, Thomas W. Jr.
Nelson, James T.
Parks, Virginia F.
Perry, Frank R.
Pond, Beatrice Rolfe, Winthrop Sanphy, Roland Smith, Madeline T.
Thompson, Edward W Thompson, George E •Tschol, Otto Woodward, Rodney Ferrante, Samuel & GwendoljTi Harduig, Mary E.
Hart, Roland Carder, Roy Heirs Total •Redeemed after Dec. 31, 1951 Bosse, Paul 3 31 190 66 Emery, Charles Heirs 31 78 25 74 Harmon, R. F.
13 02 227 15 Henderson, Vernal 13 89 57 26 Himter, Amy & 32 34 Stanley 14 96 117 40 Lauziere, Marcel 64 88 23 18 Locke, Charles A.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1951
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