Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1952

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Irish, Raymond Johnson, George E.
Johnson, Beatrice and Fred Jones, Louise and Arthur Kelley, James E.
Libby, Carrie Lowd, Maurice H.
McDonald, Norman McGinty, Catherine 5 27 $168 23 McGraw, Royal C.
59 65 Morgan, Florence 253 09 88 40 Morrill, Elmer E.
65 16 Nelson, Charles S.
141 74 46 06 Nicholson, Edwin C.
15 70 65 62 Noel, Harry D.
665 94 32 14 Oaks, Edgar P.
235 36 557 37 Parks, Virginia F.
235 36 367 97 Perry, Chas. and Euella 3 09 254 15 Perry, Frank 69 46 Purrington, Daniel 49 85 195 6
...6 Roberts, John P.
Rowell, Randolph and 120 99 357 16 Bessie 46 32 242 86 Sanphy, Roland 36 87 32 15 Shaw, John 80 42 12 35 Stilhngs, Perley C.
90 72 44 23 Swan, Lilhan and 31 24 Faylene 10 52 108 55 Thibadeau, Gene C.
12 35 54 46 Thompson, Edward 18 40 41 59 Thompson, Leslie 35 96 5 26 Tschol, Otto 572 86 168 22 Wade, Vema L.
43 74 19 88 Wagner, Philip 312 84 22 75 Watson, Mary and Richard 18 18 261 14 Wentworth, Ralph Heirs 176 68 35 36 Whitaker, Anita and 10 48 Carroll 43 10 1 00 Woodward, Rodney 84 81 Carey, James IV 12 35 DeLuca, Camello 73 75 250 43 Ferrante, Gwendolyn 87 92 39 58 Henstis, Harry H.

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