Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1953

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Davis Clerk Conway Neil C. Gates Treasurer North Conway Ralph L. Grindle, Jr.
Auditors Conway David B. Schurman Conway Chester B. Lucy Superintendent North Conway David Appleton School Nurse Conway Julia T. Cox, R.N.
Attendance OfFicer Conway Isabella Hallowell Conway Supervisory Union Secretary Mildred A. Fulton Conway 63 Proceedings in Special School District Meeting, October 24 1953.
Agreeably to the foregoing Wairant, a Special School Dis trict meeting was called to order at 2 o'clock p.m. the Audi torium of the Kennett High School on October 24, 1953, by Burnham B. Davis, Moderator, who read the Warrant, Oath anc Certificate of Posting, and the permission of Superior Court for the County of Carroll, State of New Hampshire, for the calling of this Special Meeting.
Under Article 1. The following resolutions were offered by Robert Morrell who moved their adoption, seconded by Harry Damon, Jr.
Resolved that the District construct and equip (1) an ad- dition to the elementary school building in North Conway Vil- lage, said addition to consist of six classrooms, a multi-purpose room, so called, and such other facilities and improvements as the School Board may determine, and (2) an addition to the elementary school building in Conway Village, said addition to consist of six classrooms, a multi-purpose room, so called, and such other facilities as the School Board may determine, and Further Resolved that the sum of Two Hundred Sixty Thou- sand Dollars ($260,000) he and is hereby appropriated for the foregoing purposes, and Further Resolved that the District borrow by the issue of serial notes or bonds as provided in Chapter 72 of the Revised Laws and amendments thereto, a total amount of One Hundred Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars ($188,000) the proceeds of said notes or bonds to be used for the construction and equipment of the additions to said elementary schools, and that the School Board be and is hereby authorized to determine the time, place of payment, and rate of interest on said notes or bonds, and to do whatever may be necessary to the issuance thereof, and Further Resolved that in order to provide for the balance of said appropriation, the accumulated capital reserve funds, previously voted and the interest accrued thereon be tised, and the Trustees of Trust Funds are authorized and directed to pay over the whole of said funds and interest to the School Board as 64 agents for the District, to be expended for the aforesaid pur- poses, and Further Resolved that the School Board be and is hereby authorized to do all things necessary or convenient to carry the foregoing into effect, including the employment of architects and engineers and the execution in the name of the District of a con- ti-act or contracts for the construction of the additions to said elementary schools and purchase of equipment for the same.

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