Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1955

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In March we will engage in an extensive testing program that will include mental maturity tests (I.Q.) and achievement tests. These will be given in grades one through eight. The New Hampshire State Department of Education has made National Forest Reserve funds available for this program.
The teacher shortage continues in all areas but is particularly critical in the sciences.
We have found it difficult for the last two years to fill vacancies in the science department at Kemiett High School.
...ealizing the difficulty we were having, one of Conway's public- spirited citizens, and a very good friend of our schools, established a fellowship for our science teachers. This provides funds for advanced study at any college in the country during summer session.
This program was the influencing factor in obtaining one of our science teachers, and the enthusiasm and knowledge that the teacher will bring back to our school will do much to improve instruction in the sciences.

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