Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1956

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These include events at the High School such as: football games, basketball games, operetta, musicals, graduations, pop concert, church sales, etc. Auctions — these are being taken care of extra from our regular tour of duty.
Funerals At the first of the year, the funeral directors were asked to notify me when they were to hold a funeral and a police officer would be present. I have personally been on duty for 18 and OflBcer Morrill two.
Fatal Shootings We had the misfortune to lose three of ou
...r citizens of Conway during this past year.
State Hospital I have been to the State Hospital at Concord twice.
Emergencies We have had two calls to go to the Memorial Hospital, once a man was sick at the Community Center at North Conway and was pro- nounced dead upon arrival there with Officer Sheaff. Then, two boys who were playing on the fire escape and one was pushed ofl^. Ofiicer Morrill took him and he was only shaken and bruised.
Drunks — 35 These were picked up in several places in town.

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