Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1963

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What reading level is Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1963 book?
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EXPENDITURE PER PUPIL 1962-63 Total High Amount Elementary School ADMINISTRATION 2.39 2.39 2.40 INSTRUCTION 210 Teachers' Salaries 241.56 212.56 277.14 215 Textbooks 5.96 3.93 8.46 220 Libraries— Audio Visual 2.63 1.45 4.09 230 Teaching Supplies 8.24 6.58 10.27 290 Other Expenses 2.47 .55 4.83 Total Instruction 260.86 225.07 304.79 HEALTH SERVICES .84 .63 1.11 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION 510 Salaries 6.90 5.50 8.62 530 Supphes 3.66 3.65 3.66 535 Contracted Services 2.37 2.80 1.83 555 Insurance .64 .67
... .62 590 Other Expenses .88 .88 .88 Total Pupil Transportation 14.45 13.50 15.61 OPERATION OF PLANT 610 Salaries 15.35 17.70 12.48 630 Supplies 2.12 1.89 2.40 635 Contracted Services .12 .13 .11 640 Heat 7.39 7.52 7.22 645 Utilities 5.97 5.52 6.52 Total Operation of Plant 30.95 32.76 28.73 MAINTENANCE OF PLANT FIXED CHARGES 850 Teachers' Retirement 855 Insurance Total Fixed Charges SCHOOL LUNCH 5.11 17.58 2.48 20.06 8.65 STUDENT BODY ACTIVITIES 2.72 SUPERVISORY UNION EXPENSES 13.63 TAX FOR STATE WIDE SUPERVISION 1.46 TOTAL EXPENDITURES PER PUPIL 361.12 Less Transportation 14.45 Less Tuition .21 PER PUPIL COST 346.46 AVERAGE DAILY MEMBERSHIP 1344.5 5.05 5.18 16.56 18.83 2.26 2.76 18.82 21.59 11.61 5.02 30 5.68 13.53 13.75 2.01 .87 325.67 404.73 13.50 15.61 .21 311.96 389.12 740.6 603.9 90 CD 02 CM CO CM 00 CM CM CO CM 0.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1963
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