Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1965

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As indicated by the budget summary (Exhibit A-4), a net unexpended balance of appropriations of $24,381.69, plus a revenue surplus of $17,753.73, resulted in a net budget surplus of $42,135.42.
Summary Statement of Receipts and Expenditures: (Exhibit R-1) A summary statement of receipts and expenditures for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1965, made up in accordance with the uniform classification of accounts, is included in Exhibit B-1. Proof of the Treasurer's balance as of December 31, 19
...65, is indicated in Exhibit B-2.
District Court: (Exhibit E) A statement of the accounts of the District Court for the fiscal year is presented in Exhibit E.
Highway Rond Fund: (Exhibit G) A statement of the activity in the Highway Bond Fund account during the fiscal year is included in Exhibit G.
Statement of Ronded Indebtedness: (Exhibit I) A statement of outstanding bonded indebtedness as of December 31, 1965, showing annual debt service requirements, is contained in Exhibit I.
AUDIT PROCEDURE The accounts and records of all town officials charged with the custody, receipt and disbursement of public funds were examined and audited.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1965
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