Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1969

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Your welcome has been so overwhelming that we have had no difficulties in feeling that we are "at home" in this community.
Coming into a Department at the end of a calendar and fiscal year is probably not the most desirable time for a new administration; but with the enthusiasm that the other members of this Department have shown, plus the diligent efforts of the members of the Police Commission and the concern and sincere interest shown by the people of the town — there is no reason why an eff
...icient and smoothly- run Police Department cannot be operated for you, the people, of the Town of Conway.
Since being appointed as Chief of Police by the Police Commis- sioners in late December 1969, I have observed that there are some people that think that the Police Department is in a sad state of affairs — Yes, we have our problems, and there are a few areas within this Department that need changing in the way of organization; but with the fine group of Conway residents that are members of this Department and their great interest in being a part of one of the finest professions that any man or woman should be proud of, these organizational problems can be solved.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1969
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