Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1972

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H. 100.00 Balance $815.47 Respectfully submitted, Golden M. White, Treasurer Clinton R. Roper North Conway Park Commission Statement of Receipts and Expenditures — 1972 Appropriation Expenditures 1972 1972 Cash on hand January 1, 1972: Savings Account (North Conway Loan & Banking) $231.51 Savings Account (White Mountain National Bank) 207.34 Checking Account 36.65 $ 475.50 Receipts: From Town of Conway $400.00 From North Conway Lighting Precinct 600.00 41 From Outing Club (for cleaning up rink) Interest earned to 12/31/72 North Conway Loan & Banking White Mountain National Bank Disbursements: John R. Kyte (care of Park) Oscar Smith (mowing) North Conway Incinerator Service N. H. Electric Cooperative (light) McSherry's Nursery & Garden Center (trees, fertilizer and labor) Carroll County Co. (fertilizer, paint, etc. ) Stilphen's Wildwood Gardens (plants) Lyman's Service Station (gas) Savings Accounts December 31, 1972 North Conway Loan & Banking Co.
White Mountain National Bank Checking Account Dec.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1972
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