Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1977

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What reading level is Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1977 book?
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Since most mem- bers of the department were at the same salary level it was decided that 1978 would be an appropriate year to attempt a change.
The Commission asked Donald Pocock, Personnel Director of the North Conway Lumber Company and Ralph Wiggin of the U.S.
Forest Service to serve as members of a wage study committee along with members of the Commission and the Department. Patrolman Roger Anthony served as secretary and research analyst to the Wage Study Committee.
Salary schedules and com
...pensation systems of several New Hampshire Police Departments were studied as we'll as a few out- of -State departments.
As a result of this study and with the objectives of a good salary schedule in mind, the Commission adopted a proposed plan, the salient features of which are: each increment, which has at least a one year interval, must be upon the recommendation of the Chief and approval of the Commission. The Chief must advise each mem- ber of the Department by November First of each year whether or not he wiU recommend the salary increment for the officer concerned.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1977
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