Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1979

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A firewood permit system will be a priority for the commission next year.
Since the Conservation Commission is responsible for the inventory of the town's natural resources, a wetlands inventory was completed this year by the University of New Hampshire Extension Service for the commission.
This inventory encompasses 2, 100 acres of land having poorly drained soils and identifiable vegetation that normally grows in wet areas. Maps have been made and are available to be used by individuals and t
...he Town Planning Board.
Prime agricultural lands were also identified on a map and presented to the commission by the University of New Hampshire Elxtension Service.
This map shows the changes that have taken place within the town as far as Development, Forest, Agriculture and Idle Land are concerned.
The Conservation Commission welcomes suggestions on the use of the town's valuable resource land. The commission is presently responsible for managing 10 parcels of land totalling about 1 ,300 acres.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1979
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