Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1983

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P. Roberts Paul W. Hutchins, Jr.
Wesley S. Gleason Town of Conway, NH 59 REPORT FROM THE CHIEF OF POLICE The requests for police services in 1983 were 5,391. This was an increase of 8% over the 4,976 calls for service experienced during 1982. (A year to year comparison is provided.) The department prosecutor processed 2,061 cases which resulted in guilty findings. A total of 102 cases were dismissed, not prosecuted or resulted in not guilty findings. I believe this 95% conviction rate is an ind
...ication of the overall quality of cases brought before the court.
The department has continued to provide our community with the highest quality of police services available.
The 1984 Police Department Budget does not include any requests for increased personnel or additional equipment. The budget does require your continued support of our present personnel and the replacement of three police vehicles.
I am leaving the Department after the 1984 Town Meeting. I believe that the Conway Police Department is a fine law enforcement organization providing the highest level of professional services to our community.

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