Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1985

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In 1985 the Town worked in many areas which are important, but received little public attention. We resurfaced nearly 5 miles of Town roads, rebuilt 3500 feet of South Conway Road, replaced the Tasker Hill Bridge, built the Smith-Eastman Canoe Landing Project, and built an additional fire pond on West Side Road, for example. Our Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Project in Center Conway improved 20 housing units during the year. The Selectmen also signed an agreement with
... State Cable T. V. to extend service to 6 miles of East Conway Road and Stark Road during 1986.
While we have many activities and projects proposed for 1986, it is with your active participation that we can best meet the challenges ahead.
The Board of Selectmen meet in open public session on Mondays and minutes of those meetings are on file at the Conway Public Library.
Thank you for your support and assistance.
Respectfully submitted, CURTIS H. LUNT Town Manager 56 Town of Conway, N.H.
ASSESSOR'S REPORT 1985 PRECINCT TAXABLE VALUE TAX RATE PERCENTAGE *l Conway Village $ 41,136,480 530.34 17.4 *2 North Conway Lighting 47,308,390 26.60 20.0 *3 East Conway Fire 3,549,230 25.09 1.5 *4 Center Conway Fire 14,047,840 24.75 6.0 *5 Center Conway Lighting 5,792,255 25.44 2.4 *6 North Conway Water 39,849,450 25.85 16.9 *7 Kearsarge Lighting 17,349,450 26.48 7.4 *8 Intervale Lighting 13,147,180 26.01 5.6 *9Town 53,802,295 24.00 22.8 5235,982,570 100.0% DISTRIBUTION OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS James Fennessy Assessor Town of Conway, N.H.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1985
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