Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1989

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There were approximately 80 sign violation notices issued in 1989, wJin compliance upon receipt of notice the general outcome.
Occasionally, the violation notices resulted in a court summons with a District Court decision rectifying the understanding of the codes.
My goal for 1 990 is to continue to keep the communications open between my office and the residents and developers of Conway so as to educate them in understanding the spirit and intent of the Zoning Codes, to be aware they are writt
...en to protect the residential neighborhoods while allowing complying growth in the commercial districts to create a working economy.
Respectfully submitted, DALE A. FRIZZELL Administrative Assistant Town of Conway, N.H. 61 ASSESSOR'S REPORT In 1 989 we completed our reassessment program which was in the works for approximately 3 years. Although we experienced some problems, they were no more numerous than if we had farmed the job out to a private company at a considerably higher cost.
We are still in the process of working out these problems and will continue to do so for some time, as assessing property, to be as fair and equal as possible, is a continuous process.

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