Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1994

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• Successful reconstruction of a portion of West Side Road.
• Grant writing and project challenges relating to economic development needs.
• Improvements to Town facilities for structural integrity and ADA compliance.
• Studying ways to improve the workplace for employee efficiency, space utilization and equipment needs.
• Landfill and septage issues.
• Accountability of manpower and equipment.
These and other projects are discussed further in Department Reports.
In 1994 the employees went from
... 10% to 20% contribution of health insur- ance premiums, and in 1995 there will be a 70/30 cost sharing. An HMO plan through the New Hampshire Municipal Association is supposed to become available to us in 1995. A careful analysis is in order to evaluate continued efforts in lowering costs of insurance for both the employee and the taxpayer without undermining the integrity of the benefit.
I refer to the narrative budget portion of this year's Annual Report for the financial side of the house.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1994
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