Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1997

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Two variances were heard, with one granted and one withdrawn.
Three applications for rehearings were received and all three were denied.
We welcome our new Planner/ Zoning Enforcement Officer and have a good relationship with her. Zoning issues seem to be focused on more individual problems than townwide, and most are addressed by changes in the Ordinance if these are seen to be necessary.
Respectfully submitted, Phyllis Sherman, Chairman Donald Ekberg John Colbath David Burdette Jon Howe Alter
...nates: R. David Power Greg Grinnell Jan Weinraub Luigi Bartolomeo 72 Town of Conway, NH CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 1997 Another year has come and gone. 1997 was a year of challenge as Conway continued to change and the staff at Town Hall worked tirelessly to keep up.
Thankfully most of the change has been in a good direction.
A huge success for Town Hall staff was the renovation of the upstairs at Town Hall. This change was time consuming and frustrating as most of the work was done "in house" yet the finished product has increased our efficiency and lends a level of professionalism and comfort that we couldn't provide in the past.

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Conway, New Hampshire Annual Report 1997
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