Corbin's Fancy

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She slipped out from under the inert weight of Jeff’s left arm and smiled to see her dress hanging neatly from a wall peg just inside the bedroom door. It looked clean and crisp; the stars that had been loose were now stitched neatly back into place.There was water in the pitcher on the night stand, and Fancy performed quick but thorough ablutions, careful not to awaken Jeff. The rigors of the coming day would consume him soon enough, so he needed his rest. She smiled again, with mischief. Yes, ...indeed, he needed his rest.Feeling strong and refreshed, Fancy gave her waist-length hair a brisk brushing. She could not pin it up, but that didn’t matter—the weight and softness of it felt very good.Jeff stirred and muttered something and Fancy’s heart twisted within her. Now that the magical night had passed, would they be enemies again? Would he be cold and uncommunicative? Would she, despite her best intentions, end up baiting him?Fancy bent and kissed the bridge of his aristocratic nose.

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