Corona (2000)

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He was as familiar with every action as a man watching his wife dress in the morning, and yet … it had that same sort of fascination, of responsibility mixed with a perverse and impossible kind of ownership. No individual could own a starship, any more than a man could actually own his wife. Still, the Enterprise was his. He wondered what the day would be like when he had to give her up, and whether, if any of his Starfleet colleagues assumed her command, they could possibly remain friends.From ...the captain's chair, he watched preparations on the various displays accessible to him, the largest being the forward viewing screen. At the touch of his fingers—resting on buttons set into his chair arms—and at the sound of his voice, he could make the Enterprise come alive. Stroking …He put such errant nonsense from his thoughts (and a good thing neither Spock nor McCoy could read minds at a distance) and concentrated on a report from Scott. The preventive maintenance procedures had been completed in record time, though they would still need four hours at warp two for the Jeffries refit.Scott had suggested that three of his engineering crew receive notes of commendation.

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