Corporation Finance; An Exposition of the Principles And Methods Governing the Promotion, Organization And Management of Modern Corporations

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It may be well to remark, however, that aU these speculative transactions on the stock exchange, particularly the small transactions, perform at least one very useful service, namely, they tend to steady security prices.
Obviously, if a stock starts to move up or down and a group of floor traders are at hand all trying to sell at each slight advance with a view to getting their small speculative profits, the price will probably not soar very rapidly. The same remark in substance will apply to a
...ll speculative dealings.
246 CORPORATION FINANCE Enough has been said about the stock exchanges and stock and bond brokers to give some idea perhaps of their methods of operation. It is no part of the business of stockbrokers to buy and sell to any large extent on their own account, although many of them, to be sure, do not by any means abstain from so doing. Their main function, however, is to serve as agents for other persons who may desire to buy or sell securities. Some of these persons are true investors who are either parting with some of their stockholdings for cash or are buying securities outright with a view to holding them for the sake of dividends and of future increases in their value.

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